Gift Adventure for Christmas 2017 | Adventure Activity Vouchers

Adventure vouchers are go! We're putting our foot down to pointless plastic gifts. You are now entering a a tat-free zone


Gift Adventure Not Tat This Christmas

It all started with Secret Santa. Navigating office Secret Santa is tricky for any company. We get off quite lightly at Land & Wave thanks to one very common interest – Adventure!

Last year, the decision was made to follow one cardinal rule (aside from the £10 limit and Owen DON’T tell everyone who you have) – NO plastic. For the most part, bar a ‘Tangle Teezer’ (undeniably the best hairbrush ever made), we succeeded.

This year, the ‘No Plastic’ rule is back. We’ve upped the ante to include no plastic, no tat, no stuff and no ‘oh thanks this is great’ but really you mean ‘what is this crap?! I’ll never use this again’ type of presents.

It’s something that we’re trying to spread further than the Land & Wave office too. There are so many ways to deliver thoughtful, exciting gifts to family friends, without heading down the plastic route.

This year, Land & Wave wants to shout loud and proud about the ‘Say No To Tat’ campaign.

We’ve previously sold Christmas Vouchers with very little thought other than ‘it’s a nice thing to do and people ask for them’. We’ve never considered it an alternative planet-friendly present-giving option.

So here we are declaring to all –  Give Adventure Not Tat.

Say NO to boring presents, say NO to mind-numbing electronics that get used once, say NO to boxsets, say NO to plastic and say NO to itchy jumpers from your Gran (okay we’ll let you off that last one).

Instead say YES to being outside, say YES to awesome adventures, say YES to jumping in the sea, say YES to spending time as a family, say YES to buying experiences not stuff this year.

Give Adventure Not Tat this Christmas from Land & Wave on Vimeo.

Now of course we just so happen to have some handy adventure vouchers to help you do just this.

Choose from Coasteering, Weapons in the Woods, Stand Up Paddle Boarding and Family Bushcraft. Take a look and see what suits your family and friends best.

Check out our Graham’s incredible acting skills in our Christmas video above and get a taste for adventure. Zoolander eat your heart out.

Don’t get suckered by Black Friday deals and end up with a microwave that’s actually a radio, see-through toasters (WHY?!), voice controlled hairdryers and virtual reality glasses that will collect dust in your living room. It’s all pointless clutter.

Image of Land and Wave Adventure Gift Voucher

Choose adventure, choose outside and choose experiences.

We’ll be bringing you our personal Top 5 Experience picks for Kids, for Him and for Her over the next few weeks and we promise it’s going to be a tat-free zone.

Get out there and find your adventure…#AdventurePeople

Say NO to boring presents, say NO to mind-numbing electronics that get used once, say NO to boxsets, say NO to plastic and say NO to itchy jumpers from your Gran

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