Land & Wave: 2008 – Present Day!

We’ve been around for four beautiful years now and we thought a little update was in order..


Chris Callaghan recounts the amazing journey Land & Wave has taken, from small beginnings to a business overflowing with innovative ideas, amazing clients, incredible staff and an exciting future

We’ve been around for four beautiful years now and we thought a little update was in order…

From small beginnings – the Noughties For years Land and Wave was nothing more than an idea, a pipe dream. Two pals, Dave and Owen, shared a love of the outdoors and would spend hours discussing various ‘what if…’ scenarios. They had a good deal of industry experience between them and wondered if they could create something wonderful by drawing together all the best aspects of outdoor education and adventure and thinking a little flexibly.  

Owen blowing fire

It’s amazing where £600 can get you – 2008 Things came to a head in the autumn of 2008 when they decided the time was right and by early 2009 ‘Land & Wave’ was registered with Companies House. Adventure, Dorset and the company ethos seemed to market itself, in the spring of 2009 the first schools were on board and signed up. The boys invested £600 each and by September, the first projects were underway.

Measuring progress – 2009 In the field of adventure and outdoor education ‘Land & Wave style’, progress has never been measured by financial turnover, staff numbers, biscuits consumed or deals finalised; the only way to gauge progress is by the number of wetsuits in circulation. September 2009, wetsuits in circulation – zero. Must try harder, said the reports… A year of firsts – 2010 The first Land & Wave van, the first minibus, the first trailer, the first kayak fleet and, in the spring, the first coasteering sessions all took place in 2010. Things were looking up for our boys: wetsuits in circulation – 40.

Land & Wave wetsuits

We open our headquarters – 2011 September 2011 saw Land and Wave move to bigger, better premises in Upton House. Larger contracts came through the letter box, more people enjoyed activity sessions, more staff came on board and Dave and Owen charged on happily; wetsuits in circulation – 120.
Work hard, play hard – 2012 By the spring of 2012, the Land and Wave team were doing rather well – they were working hard, playing hard, delivering amazing sessions to gazillions of happy clients and generally enjoying life. But few people could have predicted the stratospheric level of demand the team would soon face, and April to September saw the number of activity sessions rocket. With all hands to the pump the company experienced huge growth across all areas; more clients, more equipment, more instructors, more vehicles, more everything! Owen, Dave and the team came close to exhaustion but with a glint in our eye, a determination to meet demand and a drive to succeed, we got through it: wetsuits in circulation – 250

Land & Wave team

Making a great thing greater – 2013 Well into 2013 and Land and Wave are flying high. Focus switched to recruitment and great new staff were found as the company grew. Essential things like marketing and management keep Dave and Owen busy, but the boys know exactly what needs to be done. They decide to give something back to the community by investing in local school initiatives, sponsoring incredible athletes such as George Rogers and helping the local organisations to achieve their goals. Land & Wave continues its recruitment drive and remains focused on solid investment, fresh ideas, effective marketing and of course epic activity sessions for one and all: wetsuits in circulation – 400.

Future plans – 2014 & beyond With a weather eye on the horizon, the team at Land and Wave have big plans afoot for the future. Maintaining outstanding quality across all sessions is of course paramount as is recruiting amazing staff that can get the job done. Instructor training courses are just the tip of the iceberg for us, and Land & Wave aim to offer quite simply the best intensive instructor course in the UK.   What do we do it for? Well, you may ask, what’s it all for? The answer is simple – to be the best. Land & Wave know we have the skills and grit to succeed looking forward into 2014 and beyond and we remain dedicated to ensuring that happens. Clients will continue to leave our sessions with memories to last, staff will continue to enjoy incredible work satisfaction and the finest training available, and Dave and Owen will remain dedicated to making a change for the better. Watch this space for an incredible new activity in Dorset, a European centre, a woodland base and new premises soon: wetsuits in circulation – TBC.

27 July 2013 by TheBox

From small beginnings – the Noughties For years Land and Wave was nothing more than an idea, a pipe dream.

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