This Saturday saw our very first Open Day for our Accelerated Instructor Training course and our BTEC course.
The day is not only a chance for people interested in one of our course to come down and see what its all about but it also gives our current trainees a great opportunity to experience sessions with ‘real life’ clients!
We gathered at Land & Wave HQ for refreshments nice and early Saturday morning. After a quick chat about the course we headed for Durdle Door for some classic coasteering action. Changing in the almost gale force winds proved to be the most challenging part of the day but once we were all covered in neoprene from head to toe we made our way to down to Man O War. The excitement in the AIT’s faces was clear – their first chance to take out real groups and put their skills to the test.
They all did a cracking job at leading groups in some quiet challenging conditions. Its never easy managing clients for the first time and from the feedback we got it would seem they all coped very well.
After what ended up being quite a lengthy and most enjoyable session we headed back to HQ to replace a few lost calories with some scrumptious Crab Apple cake.
The next Open Day will be on Feb 6th – join the Facebook group if you want to come along!

01 December 2015 by Owen Senior